Venue: Restaurant Sun Lee How Fook
Time: 7.00 p.m sh@Rp
When I ondaway for the dinner ...
I reach there damn good..
Park infront of the restaurant..
Damn NiCe!!
No need WalK So F@r..
All Drink, Drank, Drunk....
Still stable drink again...
Crazy Drank, Crazy Snap Photo, Crazy play until don't want go back home..
Are you guys enjoy our event?
All crazy, crazzy & crazyyyyyy..
She like to hugs me...
hahahaha ("-")
I think he abit mabuk face also look red already!!
All liang lui leh..
Table 29 (Noisy table)
Actually we just snap normal photo with him after finish snap he say "sek dam sin"
hahahah!!! all Muak him but no 1 kiss him...
Connie mabuk!!!
Whole body red already...
Feed her eat .. vegetable
Lee, Danny, Malei John, Eric, Andy
Carine, Cindy Tan, CIndy Liew, Me, Connie, Sam, Phoebe
All also drank kaki....
Nice snap..
I take wan NiCe Leh.. I LiKe It!!
We are not selling our bag!!!
Just a post!! Nice!!!
Me , ConNie & CinDy!!!
2 fatty stand infront..haha..very cute..